Nyheder Danes dominate glamour first day at OK Dinghy Worlds in Quiberon Jørgen Svendsen (DEN) and Bo Petersen (DEN) shared the spoils on the first day of the 2016 OK Dinghy World Championship in Quiberon, France after a glamour day on the water with unbroken sunshine and a building sea breeze that topped out at 16-18 knots. An impressive 105 OK Dinghies from 10 nations completed registration. 20160725 VM Quiberon D. 24/7-2016 Lidt billeder fra danskerlejeren 20160724 Quiberon attracts huge fleet for OK Dinghy Worlds Six former world champions and three former European champions form part of the huge OK Dinghy fleet heading for Quiberon, France, where the 2016 OK Dinghy World Championship begins on Friday. Currently there are 113 entries, making it the largest world championship for four years. 20160722 Bo Petersen goes into World Championship as World No. 1 Bo Petersen (DEN) stays at the top of the OK Dinghy World Ranking List as the fleet heads into the 2016 World Championship at the end of next week, in Quiberon, France. Former World No. 1 Greg Wilcox (NZL) retains second place, while 2009 World Champion Thomas Hansson-Mild (SWE) climbs from 15th to third. 20160715 Supertanker gav vindhuller til NM i OK-jolle NM i OK-jolle blev vundet af europamester Bo Petersen, der som de andre 52 joller havde problemer ved topmærket i første sejlads ud for Raa Jolleklub på Øresund. Bo Reker tog sølv. 20160617 World No 1 Bo Petersen takes OK Europeans after eventful final day in Medemblik Bo Petersen (DEN) has won the 2016 OK Dinghy European Championship and Spring Cup in Medemblik after an eventful final day sailed in the most extreme conditions of the week. The only race sailed went to Richard Burton (GBR), who took the silver, while Charlie Cumbley (GBR) pulled out with a broken rudder and had to settle for the bronze. 20160424 Dag 2 EM Medemblik Charlie Cumbley (GBR) made the best of the second day at the combined OK Dinghy European Championships and Spring Cup in Medemblik with two race wins to move into a narrow lead over Bo Petersen (DEN) and Thomas Hansson-Mild (SWE) with just two races to sail. Petersen won the third race of the day. 20160423 Dag 1 EM Medemblik Not cold enough for Vikings as Thomas Hansson-Mild leads OK Dinghy Europeans 20160422 OK Dinghy International association Opening shot - Spring Cup 2015 - This year we have almost 80 pre-entries 20160419 Bo Petersen new OK Dinghy World No. 1 It’s been a long wait, but there is finally a new name at the top of the OK Dinghy World Ranking list as the 2016 season gets underway in a few weeks time, with the combined Europeans and Spring Cup in Medemblik. 20160407 Midaldrende mænd står i kø til specialdesignede joller Trods dyre både er der op til et års ventetid på en ny jolle hos bådbygger Jesper Strandberg.Jesper Strandberg er bådbygger i Holbæk. Han har succes med at bygge joller især til midaldrende mænd. (Foto: Lars Plejdrup © dr) 20160325 OK-jolle stjålet Nyrenoveret okjolle stjålet fra Strandby Sejlklub. Henvendelse Søren vollerup@hotmail.com 20160311 OKDIA e-Newsletter Quiberon - Venue for the 2016 OK Dinghy World Championship. The event website at okworlds.org is fully operational now with the Notice of Race and Online Entry Form. 20160222 OKDIA PRESS RELEASE Bo Petersen talks about sailing, training and his fascination with the OK Dinghy 20160201 OK logo klistermærke - Afstemning Så er afstemningen om vores nye klistermærke afsluttet.Sponseret af: Frank Berg, Supertryk.dk 20151114 Nyere 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ældre